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Definition of Beautiful

What is Beautiful?

“Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction.” 

― Oxford English Dictionary

Some people say that beautiful is relative.

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.”
― Sophia Loren

For me, beautiful is something that comes up from everything that we see. We sometimes say “that woman is very beautiful” when we see her. Or we often say “this statue and this painting is really beautiful and aesthetics”. We say that words sometimes when we see someone or something.

Someone can says “it is beautiful” and “it is not” for 1 object. Because beautiful is comes from someone perspective and point of view. So, if someone says something beautiful, it means it is beautiful from their perspective, and maybe someone else will say it’s not.

So, we can conclude that beautiful is something that comes up from our perspective when we look at something that we like.

For the examples:


For me, that painting is beautiful. But maybe for some people that painting is not beautiful.

“Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.”
― H. G. Wells

Look at this girl:


She is beautiful isn’t she? Maybe some people would say “yes, she’s beautiful” or “no, she’s not”.

“Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson



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